I’m emerging from slumber and ready to rock!💥
It’s a g-g-g-ghost!
Been a long time since I last checked in, going on 6 months in fact.
Hard to believe it, but here we are in 2020. I’ve been toiling away in the darkness on behind the scenes stuff and failed miserably to let everyone know what’s been going on!
Let’s see where we left off, oh yes, I had just returned from San Diego Comic Con… fond memories for sure, but now in the rearview. Since then I’ve spent a lot of time working on books for Scout Comics as a production designer to the tune of over 30 books in less than a year.
It’s a lot of fun for me, because I really enjoy the process of putting creative projects together…
…I like it so much, that Joel Rodriguez of Metal Ninja Studios and I are taking on jobs as project managers for other people’s project (more on this in the future).
Speaking of project management, around this time last year, I helped bring two awesome books to life for Fred Sergeant in Daisy Gets a Brother and Color Me Yellow, this year, Fred is back with a followup to Daisy! It’s called Odie Finds a Home! and will be available in February! Here’s a peek at the cover:

This one is just as fun as the last, so stayed tuned for purchasing details!
That’s not all I’ve been working on lately. If you’ve been following me over the last few years you know what Stake and Spy-DeerMan are. Well guess what!?! We have news on both!

First to our old friend JB3, or Spy-DeerMan, Matt and I have been working on the graphic novel for a little while now and have a plan to bring you issue #1 at Megacon in April! More to follow as we have more details, but in the meantime, how about some art?

Over twenty pages of glorious Spy-DeerMan action will be coming at you soon, be warned, it’s ridiculous.

So last week the Scout Comics and Entertainment Podcast featured a little segment with an interview. That interview dropped some news that pertains to a little title known as Stake. It seems our little comic is going to be published by Scout and hopefully be in stores later this year! Before that happens, I’ll have lots and lots of news and exciting Stake opportunities, so make sure you keep an eye on this newsletter and my socials!

page 8 from Stake #1
Aren’t images with no context awesome? You’ll get to see what that’s all about really really soon, I promise!
On to a more somber topic. On Sunday, Kobe Bryant and eight other people (including his 13 year-old daughter) lost their lives in a terrible helicopter crash in California. I spend a lot of time listening to Philly sports radio because I’m obsessed with Philly sports. Monday was all day coverage of Kobe because, while he’ll always be associated with the Lakers, he was from Philly. Hearing the stories from people who knew him back when and how he behaved every time he came back to Philly made the whole situation that much harder to bear. I’ve heard a lot I never knew about Kobe over the last few days and it’s left me affected.
Kobe was 41.
I’m 37.
He did so much in his life, and with such tenacity, that few who live to 100 years old would ever approach. I’m not going to say I feel like I haven’t done enough or I’m behind him in my life, we all have our path, but he was the kind of guy who respected hard work, he expected it, he lived it. I like to think I’m the same, but I can always take a step back and look at where I’ve taken the shortcut or not put in as much effort as I could and the result shows it. There’s no excuse. I may not have ever liked Kobe Bryant as a player (maybe if he was Sixer it would have been different), but I sure as hell respected the guy. He was an All-Star, an MVP, a Champion, and even an Oscar winner. He left a mark on this world and this tragedy is real shame. So don’t take this at all as me making his passing about me, it’s quite the opposite, his life will serve as an inspiration, something to aspire to.
RIP Kobe
By the way, he wanted to record a rap album in Italian, when producers told him it wouldn’t sell, he said he didn’t care, as long as it sold more than Shaq’s album. Is that true? I don’t know, I heard it on the radio, but I’d like to believe it.
So that’s it for me this week. I’m back. I’ll be more regular with updates, I promise. If I’m not, please email, text, dm, pm, throw things at me on the street, just tell me to get back to it!
Drop me a line and ask me anything, I’m always here!