Year One: Part Ten - It’s in the can…or do you prefer, that’s a wrap!

Welcome to the tenth installment of Year One – you can access the previous entries right here!

This post is coming right around the 15-month mark since I released Shady Place.

A lot has happened in my life since I decided to drop the counter-productive title “aspiring writer” and embrace the fact that you either are a writer or you aren’t.

I am a writer.

I’ve written a novel and I’m working on a second and third.

I’ve completed 3 issues of my comic book, 4 is written and issue 1 of my next book has a completed script.

I’ve spent the last 15 months learning more about the business and promoting, meeting new people, schlocking my wares, going to events and conventions, and doing anyt and everything I can to generally improve my footprint in the entertainment world.

I haven’t done everything right. I’ve done some things really right, specifically not compromising on quality at any turn. I’d rather not show you anything if it’s not good (perfect is unrealistic, good is not).

I really like what I’m doing. I LOVE what I’m doing. I really do.

Do I wish every day it was my full-time job and enough to support my family? Of course. That’s the future, and hopefully, not too distant, but I’m working towards it every day.

I regret nothing, and I would do it all again.

I’m tired. I have a lot on my plate, but I’m happy with the way things have progressed.

Shady Place will be a series. The Couch is going into production on issue #4. Amara is half written. And I have numerous other comic projects and novels on the docket.

Year One may have been a learning experience; there may have been ups and downs, but one thing is for sure:

The only way to accomplish anything is to actually do it.

I’m happy to answer any questions I can, find me via the website or social media and please follow along on this journey as things heat up.

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